After the CARICOM-UN High Level Pledging Conference conference in November, 2017, the foundation has moved to accelerate funding and other recovery support for the island nation. Feb, 2018
WDF leadership watched the recent crisis with concern; both understanding its impact on development while contributing to the repairs that will make development possible again in the future. At the recent CARICOM-UN High Level Pledging conference on November 23, 2017 at UNHQ, a challenge was sent to aid those seriously affected by the weather-related crisis – and WDF responded. Projects large and small are planned and being executed at this time. Two heart-warming examples of small but meaning projects to repair the soul of Dominica, follow. (See below for more:)
Fish and Fun:
In country, WDF helped fund the Eat Fish / Let’s Play Day!
In Cique Park, Castle Bruce Playing Field, from 10AM to 4:30PM, on 4 February 2018, and in the midst of reconstruction and recovery, a good deal of community preparation was undertaken by Castle Bruce leaders, and others throughout the nation and Commonwealth, with full support and consultation of WDF. This important cooperation and co-sponsorship enabled the kids to have a great day after the deluge. The local, fresh fish is prized throughout the region and was delicious – but it was all about the youth. The kids all received toys, played a variety of sports and games, were awarded books (important to an island nation where formal education was interrupted for so long after the hurricane) and there was even a cooking competition, which made the day even brighter.
“My profound gratitude for your support and generosity … there is no doubt that the invaluable support and financial contribution from the World Development Foundation made a great difference in the lives of the children … the event exceeded expectations,” Loreen Bannis-Roberts, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Mission of Dominica to the United Nations.
President Mac Donald extended WDFs best regards after the successful event: “The World Development Foundation is proud to have been a part of the planning and support for this event. Further, we are humbled by the contributions of time and food from the neighbors and friends of Dominica: New Zealand, Barbados, Monaco, and Morocco – and are by extension even more proud and thankful to be part of this helpful coalition that respects public private partnerships in rebuilding a beautiful and resilient nation back to its native glory.”
• A Valentine’s Day Chocolate Kiss to Dominica
At the UN in New York, WDF helped lead and fund Le Salon Du Chocolate.
It took place on Valentines Day, in the lobby of the General Assembly Hall building, in the center of the huge, public entrance to the United Nations. The very successful event brought together some fifteen plus nations, private chocolate and other specialty confection makers, with WDF in the leadership, logistical role, with a candy fund-raiser that netted over $4000 for Dominica. Plus all that good will and excellent chocolate!